Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Good morning faithful friends!

I have missed you all terribly but I needed a sort of extended brain-cation to get myself in order which still hasn't fully happened but I feel like minor progress has been made.

Until yesterday.

I was perusing one of the numerous blogs I read regularly and saw a fantastic 'Before and After' room decorated by an equally fantastic designer.
As I scrolled down there was an idea board complete with photos of the items used in the room along with the price of each item.

And there it was...
A four-effing-thousand-dollar coffee table!

I am not sure why I was so bothered by the high price tag on this coffee table but I couldn't stop thinking about how many lives (both human and animal) could be changed by $4000.

If I had $4000 to spend on a coffee table I could probably pay for lots of medication that would keep me from obsessing over stupid things like, "Why does someone need a $4000 coffee table?"

I mean, seriously, you can't take that stuff with you when you're gone. 
Unless it's a $4000 trunk which I suppose you could be buried in it if it were a really large trunk, or if you were a really small person, so that might actually be a furniture piece worth the investment.

I could probably fit into this one but you'd have to really squish me in.
It was depressing.
But it was also inspiring.

Not in the now-I-want-an-expensive-coffee-table sort of way but in the, 'you don't have to spend $4000 on a coffee table to make yourself happy' sort of way.

Do you see this cute little pot?

I happened upon it while thrifting a few months back and paid a whopping $2.00 to bring it home where it sat empty and lonely all that time.

Yesterday, while at Lowe's, I found the perfect size plant for the pot and it was on clearance for $5.50!

I snatched it up, replanted it into my little pot and added it to my desk tray.

It made me so happy to see it this morning when I sat down to work at my desk.
And it didn't cost me $4000.

And you know what else?


It's a ladybug, which are supposedly lucky.
And it was crawling on the edge of the valance that hangs above my desk.
I can only assume it was hiding amongst the leaves of my new plant when I brought it home.
Maybe that plant will end up being the best $5.50 I ever spent!

...Or maybe I just need to have my house sprayed for insects.

À la vie et à l'amour

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